Iceberg of How

By Ola Möller, with help from Jordan Valentin Lane

This was something that especially was on my mind during Project of How, an online bank of methods that we made 2011–12. During the project, we used the Iceberg metaphor to develop our ideas on the Art of reflection. This post is my development of those ideas.

The Model

What was done? How and why it was done?

By deciding which layers to work with, you can add structure to conversations. (We prefer ‘layers’ to ‘steps’ as we know processes rarely go in a linear process.) This allows you to make sure you stay on point and don’t drift*.* Before you start a conversation it is very useful to know which layers you need to focus on.

Layers can be combined in a sequence to help you reach your goals. By first talking about the current situation, then new ideas and last next steps.

The What(s)

“The Whats” are tangible, often quantitative and clearly visible parts of a project. For example:

The How(s)

“The How(s)” are practical ways in which you get things done. These are often familiar and are not reflected upon. For example:

The hows provide a process description. They may appear ordered and logical because they happen chronologically, but this is rarely the truth. To better understand the nature of “The Hows”, be sure to cover the Whys” at the base of the iceberg.

The Why

The why guides your thinking during the creative process.



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