
MethodKit for Equal Places



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MethodKit for Equal Places is a standalone expansion to MethodKit for Cities, made together with Add Gender & Belatchew Architects.


It can be tempting to believe that we plan and build cities neutrally, yet research has shown that places are used by different people at different times of the day, and that some people use public spaces less than others. When we put on a gender filter it becomes clear that women often don’t feel safe in public spaces and use it less. The key to plan a gender equal city is to gender mainstream the whole process.

Gender mainstreaming is about integrating a gender equality perspective in every decision, on every level in the public sector. Gender mainstreaming is based on that we know what the current situation looks like, set goals for how we want it in the future, and evaluate the progress of these goals. There are many tools in order to measure the progress and we have collected them all for you.

In the process of urban planning, details are mixed with long-term urban development. This complexity may be one reason why there has been no easy way to include gender equality in the design of cities and public places . With MethodKit for equal sites, which caters to both architects, city planners, politicians and citizens , we need not start from square one , without creating equality within a specific assignment from a well thought out framework.


In MethodKit for Equal Places we have based the framework of gender equal urban planning on a year long process of interviews, workshops and citizens dialogue. The deck has been carefully developed by gender equality experts at Add Gender and the architectural firm Belatchew Arkitekter, both situated in Sweden, that as a country has a long tradition in working successfully with gender equality. The process has been supported by the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning (Boverket), City of Malmö and Nacka Municipality.






The deck can be used anywhere in the urban planning process, from the comprehensive plan for detailed design, which makes it flexible and easy to use. The Kit is a expansion to MethodKit for Cities which means that it can be used as a standalone or together with the for Cities kit, depending on the aim of the project.

MethodKit for Equal Places can for example be used in this way: Put the cards on a timeline and get an overview of the process. Discuss which aspects need to be done first. Which aspects are the most urgent to understand in your project to move forward? Discuss the importance of each card and prioritize them in order from important to unimportant. If there are many of you, this helps to create a common picture of the situation. More about different ways of using MethodKit is possible to find here: How to use


A6 cards
Number of cards: 30.
Size (WxH): 168x110mm
Paper: Uncoated heavy paper 350g/m3
Package: Transparent zip bag.
Included: Matte coated sticker.


MethodKit for Equal Places has been a collaboration between MethodKit, Add Gender & Belatchew Architects. Partly funded by Boverket (Swedish National Board of Planning & Housing).

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