
unMonastery, a place-based social innovation, is aimed at addressing the interlinked needs of empty space, unemployment and depleting social services by embedding committed, skilled individuals within communities that could benefit from their presence.

unMonastery is a non-profit project that aims to challenge existing dependency chains and economic fictions.

The cards are designed to help unMonasterians work together, nurture ideas, and get an overview of common questions. The deck is tailored to unMonastery.

Creative Commons License
unMonastery in-a-box by unMonastery & MethodKit is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Download the 2.0 cards here.


Ps. unMonastery in-a-box use a different design logic in comparison to the standard MethodKit decks, as it is organization specific along with using a slightly more complex language.


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